Research area: engineering of modelling languages, metamodelling, requirements modelling, requirements verification, model transformation   We want to be able to *use* domain-specific languages (DSLs). We do not just model systems for the beauty of it, it is a means to reason about the system on the right level of abstraction. Reasoning involves the critical but too often neglected tasks of requirements verification, analysis and simulation. These three tasks are performed to check precisely defined properties in a model. To achieve these tasks, we typically benefit on the one hand from precisely defined formalisms such as Petri nets, DEVS, Automata, etc. by defining a semantic mapping of our DSL onto one of these formalisms. On the other hand, we describe our properties in a precisely described language as well, such as e.g., CTL. By using models in such generally known which come with theories, techniques and tools, we can perform verification, analysis and simulation (verifying syntactic (structural and value) OCL constraints on an UML model, checking CTL properties on a Büchi Automaton, checking for patterns in an execution trace, etc.).   Two of the main reasons for using DSLs are that they are at the right level of abstraction for their particular domain, therefore capturing only the essential complexity of the problem, and that they are very understandable by domain experts, if possible even to the point that they can use them without a background in computer science. The most pertinent examples are found in domains where the "semantic domain" is not, and cannot be, software. In biological domains for example, the semantic domain is often Differential Algebraic Equations. Both reasons suggest that a DSL-user of a DSL should only have contact with this DSL-layer. Nowadays however, the user still has to define properties in languages such as CTL. These property languages are not domain-specific. At Bellairs, I would like to investigate how we can systematically create property languages that *are* domain-specific. To go even a step further, my goal is to automatically generate property languages (abstract syntax, concrete syntax and semantic mapping) for a DSL – the Property DSL – given (a) the DSL metamodel (abstract syntax definition – in our case this is based on class diagrams), (b) the DSL’s concrete syntax definition (in our case a visual, topologic syntax), (c) the semantic domain of the DSL (a well-known language such as Petri nets, DEVS, Automata, etc.) and (d) the class of properties the user wants to verify (from a tentative classification including the class of structural properties, the class of temporal properties, …). The process of generating a Property DSL is then as follows. The user parameterizes the Property DSL by choosing a class of properties that can be checked on the semantic domain (e.g., temporal properties can be checked as CTL-formulas on Büchi Automata, or structural properties can be checked as OCL-constraints on UML models). This way, the semantic domain of the Property DSL is chosen (e.g., CTL or OCL). Then, the metamodel of this semantic domain is adapted in such a way that it refers to the concepts of the DSL, and such that the language is maximally restricted in accordance with the DSL. In the case of a textual semantic domain such as CTL or OCL, a visual flavour can be added (such as e.g., TimeLine as a visual flavour for LTL). I believe that with the right toolkit, this can be done automatically. The properties defined in the Property DSL can be verified by translating the properties and the model of the system to models in their respective semantic domains and perform the check at that level. Notice that results must be returned, which can possibly in the form of execution traces. They also should be presented at a domain-specific level, so a Traces DSL (analogue to the Property DSL) might also be desirable. In case of simulation, an Input DSL might be desirable. The generation of traceability links will of course be crucial.   Florian Klein and Holger Giese did some tremendous work on how to re-use a language definition in order to allow checking properties on abstract syntax graphs. Interestingly, they present a concrete syntax that is very similar to the concrete syntax for modelling. This is a must-read when joining the little topic/group proposed. As an example of how a visual syntax can be created for temporal properties, you should read the work at Bell labs by Smith et al.   This research is in the context of modular design of domain-specific languages. I believe that a DSL and its Property DSL are inseparable. Together they form a "ProMoBox", encapsulating a Properties and a design Model. After all, what is the purpose of a model without explicit definition of its use, in our case in the form of properties. In my research I also intend to examine how languages and their property languages can be combined to form new languages. This should be investigated at a syntactic level (how to weave languages and their instances) and at the level of its semantics. With respect to the latter, Joachim and I worked on a hybrid language which combines state-charts (discrete time) and causal block diagrams (continuous time). We intend to explicitly model the interface between both simulators and generalise these interface concepts. There is an obvious link with the work on ModHel'X and similar multi-formalism simulation frameworks.