CCS2 525: Project 1   

Course Information

Course title: Project 1
Course number: CCS2 525 Winter Term 2008
Prerequisites: CCS2 500 ; CCS2 505 ; CCS2 510
Course venue: MDHAR G-01
Tuesday 6:05pm - 8:55pm
Jan 6th to Apr 14th 2008
Instructor: Eugene Syriani
Contact: esyria_at_cs_dot_mcgill_dot_ca

Course Descritption


The objective of this course is to provide students with hands-on experience on how to manage and develop a software project. It will first teach them how to plan and organize work and resources for a software project. Then the implementation will give them strong incite on how project are handled in the real world.
The class will develop an actual system which is expected to be functional, by the end of the semester.


Students will develop a Software Build/Prototype in accordance with the proposed process and standards utilizing the identified resources within the schedules proposed in the plan. Students will be expected to present the project requirements, design, code and post-implementation approaches at formal reviews held in class. Class presentations and discussions are an integral part of the course.
The course's success will be evaluated on how well the plan, process, and procedures are established and followed during development of the project. In addition to the quality of the product such as requirements, design and test documents, quality presentations, active participation, time management as well as technical reports and documentation will be amongst the criteria evaluated. Technical solutions and the performance of the proposed Software Build/Prototype will also constitute an important aspect of course evaluation.

Course Material

There are no required textbooks for this course.
References will be made available.

Course Grading

In-Class Participation: 5%
Milestones and Deliverables: 3 x 15%
Final Project Report and Implementation: 50%

Original Work

You will be working in teams, but each student is responsible for a part and is required to submit his or her own original work. Handing in work that is not your own original work as if it is your own, is considered plagiarism.

McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see for more information).

Temptative Course Outline

Module 1:

Course Outline
Project Description

Module 2:

Project Scheduling overview

  • From requirement to analysis
  • From project management to implementation
  • Pre-deployment

Module 3:

Introduction to Software Architecture

  • Principles
  • Application to the project

Module 4:

Class Presentation, Participation & Evaluation

  • Software Management Plan
  • Software Requirements Specification

Module 5:

Implementation example (3-tier Architecture)

  • Job separation and distribution
  • Inter-communication

Module 6:

Helper class. Topics:

  • Databases

Module 7:

Class Presentation, Participation & Evaluation

  • Initial implementation: User Interface & Functionalities

Module 8:

Helper class. Topics:

  • Documentation

Module 9:

Class Presentation, Participation & Evaluation

  • Requirements revisited
  • Project planning revisited
  • Code review

Module 10:

Helper class. Topics:

  • Testing

Module 11:

Helper class. Questions and Answers

Module 12:

Final Presentations, Participation & Evaluation

Module 13:

Final Presentations, Participation & Evaluation

Maintained by Eugene Syriani. Last Modified: 2008/11/09 19:07:54.