Fei Fan

NSERC Summer Research
Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab
School of Computer Science
McGill University
McConnell Engineering Bldg. #202
3480 University Street
Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3A 2A7
phone +1 (514) 398 70 71 ext. 0364  
fax +1 (514) 398 38 83  
home +1 (514) 931 68 55  
e-mail     ffancs@yahoo.ca 
Fei Fan


I am a third year undergraduate student in McGill university. With this long Montreal's winter going away, my undergraduate study in McGill University will end. I will obtain my second Bachelor Degree (B.Sc.) on Computer Science in June, 2003. And my first one (B.Eng.) on Biomedical Engineering was obtained in Tianjin Medical University (China).


This page is for my 2003 NSERC summer reserch, which is supervised by Prof. Hans Vangheluwe in Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab(MSDL) .

The research is part of project on the theoretical foundations as well as the implementation of software tools (Integrated Development Environments) for the construction, exchange, re-use, and simulation of multi-formalism models proceeding in MSDL. And my work focus on redesigning the old 522 simulator, applying a HIV disease's model to this new simulator, and testing the new 522 model. It is based on Simon Lacoste-Julien's last summer research.

For more detail, check my NSERC summer research.
