2003 COMP-522A Modelling and Simulation Projects

The structure of a project

  1. Requirements/Design/Implement/Test
  2. Possibly iterate over multiple prototypes
  3. All implementations in Python


2003 Projects

Causal Block Diagram of an Auto Associative Network

Philippe Kunzle. project website

Petri Net Analysis

Lorne Kligerman and Jason Genis. project website

Statechart-based implementation of an MP3 player with playlist and various playing modes

Wei Lang and Jing Li. project website

Statechart model of a Digital Wrist Watch

Inna Narovlianskaia and Olga Chtchoupak. project website

A Visual Statechart Editor

Hui Ai Kwan Daisy and Francois Plamondon. project website

Statechart Model of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Shah Asaduzzaman and Zaki Hasnain Patel. project website

Modeling and simulation of a microwave oven

He Wei and Xia Shengjie. project website

GPSS modelling of a Printing System

Armen Gebenlian, Denis Jacquerye and Thomas Okeke. project website

GPSS model of a Clothing Warehouse

Li Dong and Kim Foy So. project website

A DEVS model of the Observer Pattern

Santiago Cortés and Jose Antonio Valencia. project website

TCP/IP Network Simulation

Andrei Muratov, Jason Dubsky and Victor Fu. project website

Glacier - A Garbage Collection Simulation System

Bruno Dufour. project website

OpenGL modelling tool for simulation animation

Denis Dube. project website

Cellular Automata SimCity Simulator

Ian Clement. project website

Statechart model and execution of a Spreadsheet GUI

Chen Tang and Zhaozhe Ruan. project website

Original Work

You are encouraged to help each other formulate the ideas behind projects and find inspiration in the literature and on the web, but each team is required to submit their own original work. Handing in work that is not your own, original work as if it is your own is plagiarism. All re-use, collaboration, inspiration must be explicitly mentioned in the assignment.
McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures (see www.mcgill.ca/integrity for more information).