Modelling and Simulation
Fall Term 2008 COMP 522A (CRN 837)

The 2008 incarnation of this course is similar to the 2006 version.
Have a look at the 2006 website.

The course


Monday 15 December. Project presentations, in ARTS W-215. 9:00 - 12:00, 14:00 -- 17:00.
Final project reports and materials are due on December 25th (posted on website).

Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 December (the latter for those who missed the Tuesday class). Class starts at 8:30, with mini-quiz on Hierarchy of System Specification, followed by an overview of the course and how-it-all-fits-together.
During last week's Wednesday lecture, I announced there would be no class on Monday and a quiz (on the Hierarchy of System Specification) and a wrap-up on Tuesday. So, today (Tuesday), there was a quiz and a wrap-up. It turns out however that both on the course homepage and in a previous announcement on WebCT, I announced Wednesday, not Tuesday as the date for this event. So, noblesse oblige, I will give another test (and wrap-up) on Wednesday for those who did not take it on Tuesday.
Be there!

Monday 1 December. No class.

Wednesday 26 November. Hierarchy of System Specification, the subject of the last quiz.

Wednesday 19 November. GPSS tutorial 16:30 -- 18:00 in Trottier 3060.
Event Scheduling assignment, GPSS assignment.

Monday 3 November. DEVS tutorial 17:00 -- 19:30 in Trottier 3070.
DEVS assignment.

Monday 3 November. Office hours: 15:00 -- 16:45. Project discussion/choice.

Wednesday 29 October. In-class quiz on DEVS at 8am sharp.
The subject will be DEVS: definition, closure under coupling, and simulator algorithm. In the quiz you will either be asked for a bit of theory (reproduce and explain what's in the notes) or you will be given an example model and be asked to explain flattening/simulation for that model.

Wednesday 22 October. Update of Statecharts assignment (for those who took COMP 304 or COMP 763 before.

Monday 20 October. Statecharts "hands on" tutorial 17:00 -- 19:30 in Trottier 3070.
Statecharts assignment.

Friday 19 September. Causal Block Diagram "hands on" tutorial in Trottier 3070 @ 17:30 -- 20:00.
Causal Block Diagram assignment.

Wednesday 3 September. First COMP 522 lecture in Trottier 0070 @ 8:00 -- 9:30.
You can find lectures in PDF format under Lectures.

Have a look at assignments and projects of previous versions of COMP 522 (Fall 2001 - Fall 2006) found on HV's teaching page.