Modelling and Simulation Based Design (COMP 762B)
Winter Term 2003

The course

Goals: the purpose of this course is to look at the State of The Art in Modelling and Simulation on the one hand and Software (and to a far lesser extent Hardware) Design on the other hand. The goal is to get some insight into the development of truly complex systems. The focus will be on the use of multiple modelling formalisms and their interrelationships to study and design such complex systems. We will study meta-modelling extensively in this context. In the software realm, we will study the recent evolutions of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and how the UML fits in the broader context of multi-paradigm modelling and simulation.

Method : the course will study research publications in the literature. You should be capable of independent, critical reading. Students will be expected to give presentation(s), and to evaluate the other presentations. The presentations should also be prepared in an electronic form that can be used to create an online resource. Furthermore, you are required to suggest and implement a small research project which builds on the material you have studied.
You will be evaluated on your presentation, your presentation evaluations (how well you understood other presentations), and your project.
Warning: you will have to learn Python on your own and use the AToM3 meta-modelling tool.

Topics: Candidate subjects (you're welcome to suggest your own though !) are given in the tentative topics list. You are expected to choose a topic as soon as possible !

Practical Issues



Presentation evaluation form [pdf] [txt].

Date Presenter Subject Talk
Mo 10 Feb Roger McFarlane The High Level Architecture (HLA) [pdf] [ppt]
We 12 Feb Yi Lu Meta-modelling tools [pdf] [ppt]
Mo 17 Feb Sadaf Mustafiz Software Process Modelling [pdf] [ppt]
We 19 Feb Steven W. Xu Modelica [pdf]
Mo 3 Mar Thomas Feng Action Semantics for an Executable UML [pdf]
We 5 Mar Chenliang Sun Statecharts Based GUI Design [pdf]
We 19 Mar Roger McFarlane HLA Time Management [pdf] [ppt]
Mo 24 Mar Yi Lu Meta-modelling project [pdf] [ppt]
We 26 Mar Sadaf Mustafiz Software Process Modelling project [pdf] [ppt]
Mo 31 Mar Steven W. Xu Modelica compiler project [pdf]
We 2 April Thomas Feng Executable UML project [pdf]
Mo 7 Apr Chenliang Sun Statecharts Based GUI Design project [pdf]


Multi-Paradigm Modelling

The Unified Modeling Language UML

Graph Transformation

Meta-modelling and Graph Transformatin in AToM3

Model Driven Architecture

Miscellaneous interesting links