2008 Winter Term COMP 763B (CRN 3365) - Assignment 5: model transformation

2008 Winter Term COMP 763B (CRN 3365)
Modelling and Simulation Based Design
Assignment 5: model transformation

Practical information


This assignment will make you familiar with the modelling of model transformations using graph rewriting. In particular, you will map Traffic models onto Petri Net models representing Traffic semantics.


atom3TrafficNet.tgz contains a stripped-down version of AToM3 with in Formalisms/TrafficNet/Traffic2PN the starting point of the transformation. You should test your transformation on the example Traffic model Formalisms/TrafficNet/test_TrafficNet_mdl.py

Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2008/09/09 21:13:19.