Modelling and Simulation Based Design (COMP 763B)

Modelling and Simulation Based Design
Winter Term 2008 COMP 763B (CRN 3365)

General Information

Course title Modelling and Simulation Based Design
Course number COMP 763B (CRN 3365)
Credits 4
Prerequisites COMP 522 (Modelling and Simulation) - waived Winter 2008.
Course venue McConnell 320
Monday and Wednesday 11:35 - 12:55
TutorialsWill be announced in class.
Enrollment Cap Enrollment is limited to 15 students.
Instructor Hans Vangheluwe
McConnell Engineering, room 328
Office hours Monday 16:00 -- 17:30, or send e-mail
TA Sadaf Mustafiz
McConnell Engineering, room 322 (Software Engineering Lab)
TA Office hours To be announced.
Course website official, real

Course Goals

The purpose of this course is to look at the State of The Art in Modelling and Simulation on the one hand and Software (and to a far lesser extent Hardware) Design on the other hand. The goal is to get some insight into the Model Driven Development (MDD) of truly complex systems. In particular, we will look into the recent trend towards Domain-Specific Modelling (DSM). The focus will be on the use of multiple modelling formalisms and their interrelationships to study and design such complex systems. We will study meta-modelling and model transformation (mostly using Graph Rewriting) extensively as they enable the development of MDD tools. In the software realm, we will study the recent evolutions of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and how the UML fits in the broader context of computer-automated multi-paradigm modelling and simulation (CAMPaM).

As the usual pre-requisite, COMP 522 (Modelling and Simulation) was not offered last term, the first part of the course will cover a few useful modelling formalisms: Petri Nets, Statecharts, and DEVS. This will given some insight and experience in modelling and how models may be used for (1) analysis/model checking, (2) simulation and (3) application synthesis.

Method and Evaluation

For the first part of the course (introducing the Petri Nets, Statecharts, and DEVS formalisms), an assignment will be given for each of these formalisms.

For each of the two core topics of the course, meta-modelling and model transformation, there will be an assignment, making you familiar with the concepts and tools.

The rest of the course will study research publications in the literature and state-of-the-art tools. You should be capable of independent, critical reading. Students will be expected to give two presentations, each accompanied by a small report, and to evaluate the other presentations.
The presentations should be prepared in an electronic form (PDF) that can be used to create an online resource. The first presentation reviews work from the literature. The second presentation presents the result of a small research project which builds on the material you have studied. The project report should be written in the style of a scientific article, suitable for publication (using a style such as IEEE, ACM, or LNCS).
You will be evaluated on your presentation, your presentation evaluations (how well you understood other presentations), and your project (work and report).

Warning: you will have to learn Python on your own and use the AToM3 meta-modelling tool (a hands-on tutorial will be given).

Grading Scheme:

Part Weight
Assignment 1: Petri Nets 7
Assignment 2: Statecharts 10
Assignment 3: DEVS 10
Assignment 4: Meta-modelling 5
Assignment 5: Model Transformation 10
Reading: synthesis (in article format) 5
Reading: presentation 5
Project: work 25
Project: report in conference/journal article style 10
Project: presentation 10
Others' presentations summaries (max. 10 lines) 3
Total 100

The Rules of the Game

Original Work

McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures (see for more information).

You are encouraged to help each other formulate the ideas behind assignment problems, but each student is required to submit his or her own original work. Handing in work that is not your own, original work as if it is your own is plagiarism. All re-use, collaboration, inspiration must be explicitly mentioned in the assignment.

Class Attendance

You are expected to attend class. Information may be made available on the web for your convenience, but is not a substitute for class attendance. Should you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what material or announcements you may have missed.

Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2010/10/01 12:29:32.