COMP 304B Object-Oriented Software Design -- Assignment 2

COMP 304B Object-Oriented Software Design - Assignment 2



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The requirements for this assignment are described on a here.

The design is given in the figure below.


The dia file is here. A larger image is here.

Class Diagram

Redesign first assignment

Classes in the Formula inheritance tree have only to be modified slightly: the __str__ method has been added to every class in the inheritance hierarchy.

More importantly, the CellRef class has been modified as follows:

We have three new classes: Spreadsheet, SpreadsheetData and SpreadsheetCell. The first one is self-explanatory.


The depends_on attribute is a list that contains the absolute coordinates (tuple containing two nonnegative integers) of the cells the object depends on.

We added the private attribute __this_spreadsheet to refer to the SpreadsheetData object the object belongs to. The methods are described below (the methods that were not specified in the requirements are in bold):

Return the contents of the __formula attribute
Parse the attribute __formula_string to build the attribute __formula. Return TRUE only if the parsing is successful.
Do a DFS on __formula to update the depends_on attribute.
Return the content of the __value attribute.
Return the tuple (__row, __column).
Return the __this_spreadsheet attribute.
Update the value attribute by evaluating the __formula (recall: Formula.evaluate() returns a Number object).


The dictionary of SpreadsheetCell references is the attribute __cell_data. As explained in the requirements, the entries are indexed by absolute coordinates, i.e., tuples containing two nonnegative integers.

The __check_dependencies method (see below) sorts the cells in an order appropriate for efficient calculation. Since a dictionary is not ordered, we need an ordered data structure to hold the sorted coordinates. This is the role of the __sorted_data attribute, which is a sorted list of absolute coordinates.

The methods are described below (no new methods were added):

The constructor does nothing special.
get_cell(x, y) returns the SpreadsheetCell object __cell_data[(x, y)], or None.
Basically, set_cell(cell) registers the SpreadsheetCell object cell in the current Spreadsheet. Since a SpreadsheetCell object knows its coordinates, there is no need to specify row and column in the method's parameters. If we register a cell in a position where a cell is already present, the latter is just overwritten (disappears thanks to garbage collection).

Pseudo code for set_cell(cell):

Update the whole spreadsheet
This method does a topological sort of the cell dependencies (updates the __sorted_data attribute). For this it needs to look at the depends_on attribute of each SpreadsheetCell object in the dictionary __cell_data.

The method returns FALSE iff there is a cyclic dependency (including self-loops).

Other Considerations

Initially the SpreadsheetData object is empty. There are two ways to create a new SpreadsheetCell object:

(NOTE: a cell cannot be edited. It can only be overwritten). The method SpreadsheetData.evaluate is called every time a new SpreadsheetCell object is registered.

Some of the sources of errors are:

Below is the pseudo code for the methods CellRef.evaluate and CellRef.get_spreadsheet_coord: this should explain why a CellRef knows its SpreadsheetCell, and why a SpreadsheetCell knows its SpreadsheetData (Note: the method CellRef.__str__ will be implemented in a similar manner). The code also shows that in case a SpreadsheetCell object refers to an empty cell, the latter cell is interpreted as containing the value 0..

Pseudo code for CellRef.evaluate:

Sequence Diagram

In this use case, we assume we start with an empty SpreadsheetData object named s1.


The first part illustrates how a cell is added by explicitly typing a formula. Let the variable string holds the typed formula. We first instantiate a SpreadsheetCell object as
cell1 = SpreadsheetCell(1, 1, string)
In this case, the cell is to be added at coordinates (1, 1). The actual insertion is done by calling

The second part illustrates how the cell just added can be copied into coordinates (1, 2). We first instantiate a new SpreadsheetCell object without providing a string, and get a reference to the SpreadsheetCell object at coordinates (1, 1):
cell2 = SpreadsheetCell(1, 2)
cell1 = s1.get_cell(1, 1)
To copy cell1.__formula into cell2.__formula, we use the get and set methods:
form1 = cell1.get()
Registering the new cell in the spreadsheet is done as before:

Note how the whole spreadsheet is updated whenever a new cell is added.

Translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.02 (minor customizations by HV). On 1 Apr 2003, 20:54.