Juan de Lara's Publications

Juan de Lara's Publications

International Journals and Lecture Notes

[12] "Computer Aided Multi-Paradigm Modelling to Process Petri-Nets and Statecharts". Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Accepted in the 1st International Conference on Graph Transformations ICGT'2002. Barcelona, October 2002.

[11] "Using Meta-Modelling and Graph Grammars to create Modelling Environments". Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe, Manuel Alfonseca. Accepted in the Workshop on Graph Transformations and Visual Modellig Techniques GT-VMT at ICGT'2002. Barcelona, October 2002. To appear as Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Vol.72, (3).

[10] “Two level evolution of foraging agent communities”. Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara. BioSystems Volume 66, Issues 1-2, pp.: 21-30. Elsevier Science. June-July 2002.

[9] "AToM3: A Tool for Multi-Formalism Modelling and Meta-Modelling". Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2306, pp.:174-188. Also presented also at Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - FASE'02 , in European Joint Conferences on Theory And Practice of Software - ETAPS'02 . Grenoble. France, April 2002.

[8] "The role of forgetting, memory size and spatial separation in dynamic language games". J. de Lara, M.Alfonseca. JASSS (Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation). Vol 5, issue 2. March, 2002.

[7] "Distributed simulation of ecosystems for the Internet",M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara. System Analysis Modelling Simulation, Vol. 42(5), pp.:665-675. 2002. Taylor&Francis. See abstract here. Full text in [PDF] from the Taylor&Francis web.

[6] "Agent-oriented simulation with OOCSMP. An example in evolutionary ant colonies", Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2190. pp.: 233-234. 2001 (Poster in the 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents IVA'2001. Madrid, September 2001.)

[5] "Constructing Simulation-Based Web Documents". Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca. IEEE Multimedia , Special issue on Web Engineering. January-March. pp 42-49. 2001. See abstract here.

[4] "Automatic generation of simulation-based web courses and model documentation". M.Alfonseca, J. de Lara. TRANSACTIONS of the SCS, Vol 17, no.3, pp. 106-119. 2000.

[3] "Some strategies for the simulation of vocabulary agreement in multi-agent communities". J. de Lara, M.Alfonseca. JASSS (Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation). vol.3, issue 4. 2000.

[2] "Semiautomatic Generation of Web Courses by Means of an Object-Oriented Simulation Language", M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara, E.Pulido, SIMULATION  of the Society for Computer Simulation, special issue on Web-based Simulation, 73:1, pp. 5-12, See abstract here. 1999

[1] "Compiling a simulation language in APL" Manuel Alfonseca, Enrique Alfonseca, Juan de Lara. APL Quote-Quad (ACM/SIGAPL), Vol. 29., No.3, March 1999. Also presented in the APL’98 conference, Rome.

Other Publications in International Journals

[2] "A review of  'Discrete-Event Simulation. Modeling, Programming, and Analysis' by George S.Fishman". Juan de Lara. In JASSS (Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation). Vol 5, issue 3. June, 2002.

[1] “Web-based Simulation Activities of the Technical School of Computer Science in the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid”. Manuel Alfonseca, Rosa Carro, Juan de Lara, Alfonso Ortega, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodriguez and Carlos Santa Cruz. SIMULATION of the Society for Computer Simulation 76 (2): 92-92, Febrero, 2001.

Chapters in books

[2] "Using Simulation and Virtual Reality for Distance Education", J.de Lara, M.Alfonseca. In Computers and Education: Towards an Interconnected Society (Ortega, M. and Bravo, J. eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2001.

[1] "Integration of Simulation and Multimedia in Automatically Generated Internet Courses". M.Alfonseca, J. de Lara. COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY. (Ortega, M. and Bravo, J. eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2000.

Spanish Journals

[2] "Generación automática de entornos de simulación con interfaces inteligentes", Alfonseca, M., García, F., de Lara, J., Moriyón, R. Revista de Enseñanza y Tecnología nº 12, Octubre-Diciembre 1998. (zipped doc)

[1] "Groupware y Educación", M.Ortega, J. Bravo, M. Prieto, J. de Lara,  Revista de Enseñanza y Tecnología, 8, 9-17 (1997). ISSN 1138-7386

Chapters in Spanish Books

[3] "Visualización en Internet de cursos basados en Simulación Continua", M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara. In 'Sistemas de Interacción persona-computador'. Colección Ciencia y Técnica no. 32, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, pp.: 205-228. Work presented in the 1999 Summer School, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha in Puertollano. In spanish.

[2] "Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a procesos industriales : redes neuronales",1996, Manuel Ortega, José Bravo, Juan de Lara. Informática Industrial , colección CIENCIA Y TECNICA, servicio de publicaciones de la universidad de Castilla la Mancha.

[1] "Un simulador de redes Neuronales Educativo",1995, Juan de Lara, Manuel Ortega, José Bravo. Informática Educativa , colección CIENCIA y TECNICA (ISBN:84-88255-99-3),servicio de Publicaciones de la universidad de Castilla la Mancha.

Refereed International Conferences

[23] "Meta-Models are Models too". Hans Vangheluwe, Juan de Lara. To appear in the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, December 2002.

[22] “Using Meta-Modelling and Graph Grammars to process GPSS models”. Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. 16th European Simulation Multiconference, ESM’2002. Darmstadt, June, 2002.

[21] “Teaching Partial-Differential Equations through the Internet: an Interactive Approach”. Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Germán Montoro. 16th European Simulation Multiconference, ESM’2002. Darmstadt, June, 2002.

[20] "An Introduction to Multi-Paradigm Modelling and Simulation", Hans Vangheluwe, Juan de Lara, Pieter J. Mosterman. Tutorial, in Proceedings AI Simulation and Planning AIS-2002. pp.: 9-20. Lisbon. April 2002.

[19] "Using AToM3 as a Meta-CASE Tool". Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS'2002 , Area 3: Information Systems Analysis and Specification. pp.: 642-649. Ciudad Real. Spain. April 2002.

[18] "Hierarchical visualization in a simulation-based educational multimedia web system". Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS'2002, Area 4: Internet Computing and Electronic Commerce. pp.: 946-953. Ciudad Real. Spain, April 2002.

[17] "Processing Causal Block Diagrams with Graph Grammars in AToM3". Ernesto Posse, Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. In Proceedings of the APPLIGRAPH Workshop on Applied Graph Transformation - AGT'2002 . pp.: 23-34. Grenoble. France, April 2002.

[16] "Simulating evolutionary agent colonies with OOCSMP", Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'2002), "AI and Computational Logic" track. pp.: 11-15. Madrid, March 2002.

[15] "Web-based simulation of systems described by Partial Differential Equations", Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe.  2001 Winter Simulation Conference. pp.: 629-636. Arlington, Virginia, December 2001.

[14] "Developing Adaptive Web Courses Based on Simulation: A Thick Client Approach", Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Alfonso Ortega. EUROMEDIA'01. Valencia, Spain, April 2001.

[13] "Using Simulation and Virtual Reality for Distance Education", J.de Lara, M.Alfonseca. SIIE'2000 , Puertollano. November 2000.

[12] "Distributed simulation of systems based on partial differential equations at the Internet", M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara. IMACS'2000, Lausanne. August 2000.Zipped TeX file with ps figures.

[11] "Distributed simulation of ecosystems for the Internet",M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara. IMACS'2000, Lausanne. August 2000.Zipped TeX file with ps figures.

[10] "Automatic generation of a web course on electronics with associated documentation", M.Alfonseca, J. de Lara. EUROMEDIA'00. Antwerp, Bélgica. Mayo, 2000.zipped doc file.

[9] "Output visualization modes in a Java generating Continuous Simulation Compiler", M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara, ESS'99, Erlangen, 26-28 Oct. 1999 (zipped doc file.)

[8] "Dynamical object generation during the execution of continuous simulation models". Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Estrella Pulido. ARGENTINE SYMPOSIUM ON OBJECT ORIENTATION 1999 (ASOO 99). Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 6-7, 1999

[7] "Object-Oriented Constructs and Partial Differential Equations in a Continuous Simulation Language",Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Estrella Pulido, Tools Eastern Europe. Sofía, Junio 1999.

[6] "Simulating Partial Differential equations in the World-Wide Web" Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca. EUROMEDIA'99. Munich, April 1999.

[5] "An object-oriented continuous simulation language and its use for training purposes" Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca, Estrella Pulido,SESP'98. 5th International Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes. November 98.Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

[4] "Educational Simulation of Complex Ecosystems in the World-Wide-Web" Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Estrella Pulido. ESS'98. October, 98. Nottingham

[3] "Semiautomatic Generation of Educational Courses in the Internet by Means of an Object-Oriented Continuous Simulation Language",Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Estrella Pulido. ESM'98, Manchester.

[2] "Education in Ecology at the Internet with an Object-Oriented Simulation Language", Manuel Alfonseca, Rosa Carro, Juan de Lara , Estrella Pulido. EUROSIM'98, Helsinki

[1] "OOCSMP : an object-oriented simulation language",Manuel Alfonseca, Estrella Pulido, Ricardo Orosco, Juan de Lara . ESS'97, Octubre 97. Passau .

Spanish Conferences

[3] "Simulación basada en la web". J. de Lara, M.Alfonseca. Curso de Verano de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. Puertollano. Julio 2000. In Spanish

[2] " Integración de Simulación y Multimedia en cursos generados automáticamente para Internet", M.Alfonseca, J.de Lara, CONIED'99, Puertollano, Noviembre. 1999. (zipped doc)

[1] "Generación semiautomática de cursos de electrónica para Internet mediante un lenguaje de simulación contínua orientado a objetos", Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Estrella Pulido.TAEE'98. Madrid, Septiembre 1998 .

Non-refereed Conferences

[1] Integration of Simulation Tools for the Construction of Educational Applications. Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca. First Technical Workshop of the Computer Engineering Department, Universidad Autónoma Madrid. March 2000.


  1. Using Meta-Modelling and Graph Grammars to process GPSS models”. Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. 16th European Simulation Multiconference, ESM’2002. Darmstadt, Junio, 2002.
  2.  “Teaching Partial-Differential Equations through the Internet: an Interactive Approach”. Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Germán Montoro. 16th European Simulation Multiconference, ESM’2002. Darmstadt, Junio, 2002
  3. "AToM3: A Tool for Multi-Formalism Modelling and Meta-Modelling". Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - FASE'02 , in European Joint Conferences on Theory And Practice of Software - ETAPS'02 . Grenoble. France, April 2002.
  4. "Using AToM3 as a Meta-CASE Tool". Juan de Lara, Hans Vangheluwe. 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS'2002, Area 3: Information Systems Analysis and Specification. Ciudad Real. Spain. April 2002.
  5. "Hierarchical visualization in a simulation-based educational multimedia web system". Juan de Lara, Manuel Alfonseca. 4th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS'2002, Area 4: Internet Computing and Electronic Commerce. Ciudad Real. Spain, April 2002.
  6. "Simulating evolutionary agent colonies with OOCSMP". 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'2002). Madrid. March 2002.
  7. "Web-based simulation of systems described by Partial Differential Equations". Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington. December 2001.
  8. "Agent-oriented simulation with OOCSMP. An example in evolutionary ant colonies". 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents IVA'2001. Madrid, September 2001.
  9. "Using Simulation and Virtual Reality for Distance Education" SIIE'2000 , Puertollano. November 2000.
  10. "Distributed simulation of systems based on partial differential equations at the Internet", IMACS 2000, Lausanne, August, 22-25, 2000.
  11. "Distributed simulation of ecosystems for the Internet", IMACS 2000, Lausanne, August 22-25, 2000.
  12. "Simulación basada en la Web", ponencia dentro del curso de verano "Simulaciones en la Enseñanza" de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha. Puertollano, Ciudad-Real.
  13. "Automatic generation of a course on electronics with associated documentation", EUROMEDIA 2000, Antwerp, May, 8-10, 2000. (zipped Power Point)
  14. "Output visualization modes in a Java generating Continuous Simulation Compiler", ESS'99, Erlangen, 26-28 Oct. 1999. (zipped Power Point)
  15. "Object-Oriented Constructs and Partial Differential Equations in a Continuous Simulation Language", TOOLS Eastern Europe. Sofía, June 1999.(zipped Power Point)
  16. "Simulating Partial Differential equations in the World-Wide Web", EUROMEDIA'99. Munich, April 1999.(zipped Power Point)
  17. "Generación semiautomática de cursos de electrónica para Internet mediante un lenguaje de simulación contínua orientado a objetos", TAEE'98. Madrid, Septiembre 1998 .(zipped Power Point)

  Last modified: 25 August 2002