Developer Behavior Simulator 

Developer Behavior Simulator


This work was done in the context of Dr. Hans Vangheluwe's class on Modeling and Simulation, (COMP 522, Fall 2004). Its intent is to explore the behavior of a software developer who is performing a code navigation task and to simulate that behavior. This project was inspired by he work of Dr. Martin Robillard on the effectiveness of software developers when investigating code. The current state of the simulator is a prototype that outputs investigation transcripts given input on the source code's structure and on the desired level of expertise of the developer to model. Applications for this type of work are numerous: software engineering, tool development, human-computer interface, etc.


File Last updated
Project Proposal (.pdf) December 20, 2004
Final Report (.pdf) December 20, 2004
Final Presentation(.pdf) December 20, 2004

Runnable Files

File Last updated
DBS (.zip) December 20, 2004

Sample Input

File Last updated
JEdit (.zip) December 20, 2004
JHotDraw (.zip) December 20, 2004

Source Files

File Last updated
DBS_src (.zip) December 20, 2004
Maintained by Philippe Nguyen. Last Modified: 2008/09/10 00:03:05.