


This work was done in the context of a course development project for COMP 304, during the summer of 2005. It consists of a plot window application, which enables for data to be plotted in the form of trajectories. The intent is to use it as a learning tool for students taking the Object-Oriented Design course given by Dr. Hans Vangheluwe. Indeed, the project offers a framework inside which students can learn about UML design, basic design pattern applications, and implementation of GUI behaviors using statecharts. Although the application was designed to be stand-alone, a version of DSheet that uses PlotWindow was developed.

Source Files

File Last updated
PlotWindow (.zip) August 19, 2005
DSheet with PlotWindow (.zip) July 5, 2005

  • For details about latest changes in PlotWindow, see the changelog.txt file included in the package

  • The models folder in the package contains design diagrams, in MagicDraw, for PlotWindow.

  • For those who have looked at the DSheet code, the version of DSheet used to develop the PlotWindow is prototype4.

  • For the PlotWindow plugin to work with DSheet, make sure to first install PlotWindow somewhere on your computer and then read the readme.txt file contained in the plotwindow folder of the DSheet source package. It will tell you how to specify the path to PlotWindow within the DSheet source.

Intended Assignments

Here is a preliminary list of what we think the assignments for COMP 304 will contain:
  1. Theory assignment on concepts such as covariance, contravariance, etc

  2. Class diagram and unit testing of data representation.

  3. Data representation and GUI interaction: Design phase (Class diagram + Sequence diagram)

  4. Data representation and GUI interaction: Implementation phase (Observer pattern)

  5. Dynamic behavior of GUI using Statechart

  6. Other patterns (Singleton, Factory)

Maintained by Philippe Nguyen. Last Modified: 2008/09/10 00:03:05.