Meetings w/ Professor Hans   
Thesis Meta-Model

Thesis Meta-model

This, I think, is the most important part of writing a thesis. As Professor Hans always says, "MODEL EVERYTHING". Well, a very good friend of mine, Eugene, who is also part of the lab, has "somewhat" formally modelled a thesis. You can see it here. This is crucial know-how to properly succeed in your Master's.
Preliminary Meetings

Summary of Meetings Until Dec. 11

Until now, we have discussed what topic I would be researching. I, like many other students, had the problem of being interested in many things. You can look at my undergrad page to get a full list of my interests. We boiled it down to something that has to do with Modelica, the object-oriented modeling language. The two topics under consideration are:
  • Systems Biology and Modeling using Modelica
  • A Modelica Compiler
I am currently reading up on these topics. Also, I am taking courses related to both these topics in my first semester. We will see what happens...
Maintained by Reehan Shaikh. Last Modified: 2009/01/10 23:55:58.