Romain Franceschini   
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Antwerp
Middelheimcampus, M.G.330
Middelheimlaan 1
Belgium 2020

I am currently (2019) doing a 1 year Post-Doc at the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab (MSDL) under the supervision of prof. Hans Vangheluwe at the University of Antwerp. This postdoctoral project is done in collaboration with the University of Corsica.

During my PhD, my research focused on agent-based modelling and aimed to address reproducibility issues with a formal approach allowing to describe the structure as well as the semantics of such systems. I received my PhD in December 2017 from University of Corsica. [thesis]

After my PhD, I was a Lecturer and Research Assistant (2017-2018) at University of Corsica.

My research interests include multi-agent systems, agent-based models, theory of modeling and simulation, discrete event simulation and adaptive abstraction.

During my stay @ MSDL, I work on modelling methods and techniques to relate multi-abstraction models.

Research projects overview

I mainly work on the topic of adaptive abstraction, focused on:

  • Different adaptive abstraction techniques applied to agent-based modeling.
  • Studing the best trade-off between simulation execution time and results accuracy.
  • A generic adaptive abstraction framework for executable models
I also work on the following projects:
  • De-constructing NetLogo semantics to re-construct using SCCD
  • TBD

Past and upcoming events

Upcoming events

Attended events

Maintained by Romain Franceschini.