Véronique Lisi


Last Modified: 2002/09/20

Summer Research
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Links on the theory and applications of statecharts

On Visual Formalism
by David Harel.

Also by David Harel, Statecharts:A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems
This paper was published in 1987. It gives a detailed desciption of statecharts and the reason why they are used to describe reactive systems. (It can be seen as a longuer and more detailed version of the first one.

Statemaster: A UIMS based on statecharts for Prototyping and Target Implementation. by Pierre D. Wellner
This paper gives a description of the drawbacks of conventional state transition diagrams. The author introduces a variant in Harel's statecharts. It also explains the Statemaster experience.

Statecharts Diagrams Problematic
This is an article that describes some of problems of statecharts in user interface design. The author introduces a new notation that could be used to make the design clearer.

A Specification Language for Direct-Manipulation User Interfaces by Robert J. K. Jacob
This paper explains the importance of designing a user interface before building it. It also explains why statecharts should be used for that purpose.

An Outiline of PVS Semantics for UML statecharts by Issa Traoré
The author gives a good description of UML statecharts and transforms them into Prototype Verification Systems to do verification.

A Statechart-Based Model for Hypermedia Applications by Maria Cristina Ferreira De Oliveira
This paper explains a statechart based model for hypermedia applications. This model specifies both the structural organization and the browsing semantics.