DSM TP 2017
8th International Summer School
on Domain-Specific Modeling
Theory and Practice
Montreal, Canada
10-14 July 2017



The Summer School will take place on the main campus of the University of Montreal, in the heart of the city on top of the Mount Royal offering a spectacular 360o view of this vibrant city. Montreal is now the hub for software engineering and software modeling in North America. It is home to seven universities and affiliated schools, and to an ever-growing software industry, from start-ups to globally established companies.

The address of the venue of DSM-TP 2017 is in the Pavillon André-Aisenstadt at 2920 Chemin de la Tour, Montréal, Québec, Canada where the department of computer science and operations research is located. The venue is situated on the main campus of the Université de Montréal, on the top of the Mount Royal with spectacular views of the city and hiking trails.

By car

From Boulevard Édouard-Monpetit, turn on Avenue Louis Colin and immediately bifurcate left onto Chemin de la Rampe. When you arrive at the top, make a sharp right onto Chemin de la Tour. The building will be on your left after the second stop sign. There is a paying parking on the right side 20 meters after the building.

From Chemin Queen Mary, continue straight onto Chemin de la Tour to go up. At the bifurcation, keep your left. The building will be on your right the next intersection. There is a paying parking on the left side 20 meters before the building.

By metro

Get off at the station Université de Montréal, which is on the blue line. When you go out of the tourniquet, make a left and follow the other people (they are almost all going there). You will reach a series of escalators that you take. Go outside (form the right), you will be on top of the mountain. Facing the big tower of university, walk to the right on the side walk until you reach the next intersection. The building is on the other side of the street.

By bus

Use the bus line 51 and get off at the stop of the Université de Montréal, at the corner of Boulevard Édouard-Monpetit and Avenue Louis Colin. Walk towards the metro station and go around it from the left. Follow the directions above from the escalators.

Bus lines 129, 165 and 435 also get you close from campus.

Maintained by Eugene Syriani. Last Modified: 2016/10/24 16:19:45